The Video Game Solution CD
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LANDS OF LORE Character and Party Editor
The character and party editor for LANDS OF LORE consists of two programs:
■ LOLCHAR.EXE The editor for the characters
■ LOLSTAT.EXE The editor for the party status
To install the editor just copy the two files above in your Lands of Lore
The Character Edtior
When the edtior is started, you'll be asked to select one of your savegames.
To do so, type in a number according to the savegame list displayed on your
The main editor screen will appear then. Most of the options need no further
explanation. So I'll only make remarks about the 'more mysterious' ones.
■ [ 2] Active: Normally, '1' stands for 'is in party' and '2' for 'is not in
party'. Sometimes the program puts values not in the range of
1 to 2 here, though. If that happens, I suggest you don't make
any changes here. Please note that, if character #2 is 'not in
party', you can't activate character #3.
■ [10] Basic Might: 0 to 63 -> 4 points of basic might
64 to 127 -> 5 points of basic might
128 to 191 -> 6 points of basic might
192 to 255 -> 7 points of basic might
I don't know why the steps are so big for just one point
more of basic might. Perhaps this is used for a more exact
calculation by the game.
■ [11] Might Multiplier: If you the the value '1' here, a rapier, for example,
will give your character 20 points of might. If
you have the value '4', your character will receive
four times the 20 points of might, making a total
of 80 points of might (plus the basic might.)
■ [12] Basic Protection: 0 to 127 -> 3 points of basic protection
128 to 191 -> 4 points of basic protection
192 to 255 -> 5 points of basic protection
■ [13] Protection Multiplier: See above: [11] Might Multiplier. It is the
same system, this time for the armor.
The Party Status Edtior
The party status editor works the same way as the character editor. For
general instructions, see above.
■ [ 1] X Coordinate: Note that the origin of the system is in the top right
■ [ 3] Level: A pop-up menu will let you select the level you want to teleport
■ [ 4] Inventory 1: A pop-up menu will let you select one of the first 256
objects in this game. Not all objects are included
in this list, for some have been let's call it well hidden
by the programers.
To find an object in the list, just start typing it's
name and the selection bar will move to it. Of course,
you can also browse through the list manually.
The values in the brackets are the attack/defense
For security reasons, you can only edit Inventory 1 if
there is one of the first 256 objects in this slot already.
Otherwise you would probably lose the old object.
■ [ 5] Inventory 2: See above: [ 4] Inventory 1.
■ [ 6] Inventory 3: Here you can create every object available in the game
by typing a number between 0 and 65535. Note that any
object in this slot will be lost if you enter a new
number here and don't remember the old one.
■ [ 7] Inventory 4: See above: [ 6] Inventory 3.
The Lands of Lore character and party editor is FREEWARE.
If you have any suggestions or comments about this editor, or if you are
interested in an editor for another game, just send me an e-mail (address
at the bottom of file).
DISCLAIMER: The author cannot accept any responsibility for damage
resulting from the use of these programs, that is to say there is no
responsibility for damage on hardware, software and especially
savegame files.
LANDS OF LORE is a trademark of Westwood Studios, Inc.
And now, enjoy!
■ André Naef ■ Winterthur ■ Switzerland ■ 09/03/93
■ CIS: 100270,2426